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McKays White Potentilla

McKays White Potentilla
Check Price for McKays White Potentilla

White Flowers and Exfoliating BarkThe McKays White Potentilla is an ornamental shrub that provides flowers all summer long. Several would look outstanding lining a walkway, or even just one in the background of a perennial bed would be lovely.Your McKays White Potentilla is a dense, multi-stemmed shrub with a rounded nature. What sets it apart from other landscape shrubs is its delicate foliage and long bloom period.The dark green compound leaves are delicate and somewhat ferny in appearance, drawing the eye even without the showy flowers. The blooms arrive in late spring. The saucer-shaped white blossoms have bright yellow centers. They display themselves on the ends of the branches right up until the first frost.Your Potentilla will grow to 24 inches tall with an equal spread. It can live up to 30 years in the right conditions, and is adaptable to almost any situation. It’s quite hardy, requiring little or no care from you, and also disease and pest resistant.As your Potentilla ages, you’ll notice the bark on the branches may peel, creating an additional decorative accent for your landscape. With its long lasting blooms it also appeals to butterflies and other pollinators which is sure to be an asset to your yard.It’s hard to imagine a more advantageous small shrub than the McKays White Potentilla. Its unique foliage, lovely, long-lasting flowers and hardy nature combine to make it an outstanding choice for almost any landscape.* White Flowers All Summer* Dark Green Foliage* Exfoliating Bark.