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Clematis Sunset

Clematis Sunset
Check Price for Clematis Sunset

Red Plums with ButterClematis Sunset is aptly named because this clematis will dazzle your garden with gorgeous deep plum-red flowers, with purple highlights that resemble the colors of a magnificent sunset!Each textured petal has a satiny cerise central bar. The buttery-yellow anthers are also a wonderful accent.It is a very free flowering variety which reblooms in late summer with masses of flowers.Clematis ‘Sunset’ needs a supporting structure to grow properly and it is easy to grow with a rich, porous, alkaline soil that has plenty of room for the roots to spread.Clematis can be grown in full sun or light shade, but its base and roots must be completely shaded.  Prune lightly above the new leaf buds in early spring and remove any dead or weak stems.Best performance is when the tops are in full sunlight and the roots are shaded, so apply generous mulch or a shallow-rooted ground cover near the base of the vine.Clematis ‘Sunset’ is a reliable performer once established; it take a season or two to get going.Enjoy these exquisite, purple-highlighted flowers in a container on your patio!*Dark Red Plum Blooms*Reblooms in Late Summer*Full or Light ShadePruning & Training Clematis.